We help people in radio and podcasting: like broadcasters, copywriters, salespeople, and station managers…

… or if you need to advertise on radio or a podcast and break through the clutter with commercials that actually get heard— and mean something to your listeners.

You will learn how to write imaginative original radio spots, because radio knows no boundaries.

It’s not about how clever you are, it’s about a story that people recognize while connecting emotionally with the message and purpose behind your product or service.

In this training you'll learn:

  • Our exact step-by-step method of how to construct your own Radio Ranch style spot.

  • How to brainstorm concepts into actual ideas that write themselves.

  • The best way to produce and cast your radio commercial.

  • How humor and story are the marketing sweet spot that will bring in the most revenue to your business.

Join this training and learn how to create great, effective commercials that will keep your clients happy and coming back for more.

Student Love

5 star rating

The Ranch Way is the RIGHT Way!

Steve Cassidy

There are so many commercials that don't offer anything a listener would want to listen to: loud lists of cliches or whatever. And there are many others that...

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There are so many commercials that don't offer anything a listener would want to listen to: loud lists of cliches or whatever. And there are many others that, while they may be entertaining, don't do what they're supposed to: sell/tell something to the listener that the advertiser would like them to know. The best darn commercials from the Radio Ranch are engaging and informative. So many of them are great to listen to just for fun. The course is a great peek at how they do it at the Ranch. And the resources supplied with the course are alone worth the price. Anybody and everybody who writes radio copy should take the course.

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4 star rating

This is a Winning Formula

Neil Holmes

Some terrific techniques demonstrated. The do's and don't in this tutorial need to be beaten into every radio seller's head. Take time to follow the plan, ...

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Some terrific techniques demonstrated. The do's and don't in this tutorial need to be beaten into every radio seller's head. Take time to follow the plan, then your listeners will hear radio spots that keep them listening, and advertisers achieve the results that ensure repeat time buys.

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5 star rating

Looking forward to writing my next ad.

Robin Thomas

Thank you. That was great. I have a full page of notes and lots of ideas. I also appreciate all the examples I got to listen to and the takeaway handouts. I ...

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Thank you. That was great. I have a full page of notes and lots of ideas. I also appreciate all the examples I got to listen to and the takeaway handouts. I hope to be able to join more trainings from Ranch Radio in the future.

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star rating


During my early years, I guest-starred in sitcoms and was a featured lead in many TV commercials. In 2009, I wrote and starred in several award-winning indie films with the likes of Adam McKay and Shira Piven.

As your Chief Creative Director of The Radio Ranch and Creator of Honestly Lisa, I’ve been writing, producing, and voicing award-winning radio spots for the Radio Ranch since 2001. Along the way, I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of working alongside my greatest teacher and mentor, my father, Dick Orkin.

With our radio spots we were able to put Regional Help Wanted on the map in the United States and Canada. I have well over 2,000 radio commercials under my belt and I’m the Radio Ranch’s Owner and Chief Radio Spot Creator.

Now I teach broadcasters, or ad agency people, how to create the best radio that reaches and gets their customers’ business with a step-by-step system on how to brainstorm and create lifestyle radio commercials that connect with storytelling.

Over the years I’ve learned, the better the creative radio spot, the more the customer engagement, the happier the client, and the more ad revenue. It really is that simple.


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Write The Best Darn Commericals

    • The Instruction Guide

    • Spot-o-matic

    • Field Brief